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山东奥扬新能源科技股份有限公司 Established in June 2003, located in Weifang City, Shandong Province, Shandong AUYAN New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. is an innovative enterprise specialized in manufacturing cryogenic equipment and providing technical service.AUYAN is one of the leaders in the Chinese new energy industry. The main products are industrial welded insulated cylinders, hydrogen cylinders, vehicles, intelligent LNG cylinders, storage tanks, LNG supplying systems, filling stations, and gas stations. Abides by the core values of "Respect, Unity, Integrity, Innovation" and takes "building the company to be a happiness platform with all staff, to create, share and realize the ideal of life, And contributing to social development and human progress'' for the mission, AUYAN continues breaking through and innovating, insists on sustainable development, determines to become the leader in global new energy revolutionary.
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· 碱式电解水制氢装备(Hydrogen production)
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